Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Computer Ad Sketch

So I think I develop my ideas a lot better when they are done on the computer. This not only helps me be more creative by seeing what I can do, but also gives me a more realistic view of my limitations as well. These are things that I can work on the future to overcome.
Either way, below are two different versions of the same ad.. I'm not sure which way I'd like to go yet.

More Ad Ideas

Monday, March 30, 2009

Final Mailer

So this is just the final version of my mailer...

Ad Idea Sketches

So I decided to expand upon my first campaign idea.. and here are the sketches from that...

My Ad Ideas

AD Campaign Idea #1
Better than a car campaign.
no polluting exhaust-image of dark exhaust coming from a car juxtaposed with the cleanness of a skateboard or bike
no paying for parking-image of taken parking on the side of an atlanta road (one with a parking meter) and a skateboard or bike wedged in between two spots with the words "No Problem." written underneath
no paying for gas-either an image of a gas price board.. or one of a car stalled out on the side of a road because it ran out of gas
no traffic-image of congested traffic and a skateboard or bike traveling along side the road getting to where it needs to be

These where just a few ideas I was thinking about working around.

AD Campaign Idea #2
Play on road signs campaign.
This campaign would feature images of road signs with alternative meanings. These things would be related back to skateboarding or biking in some way.

I also had another idea.. although I'm not sure how I would make 3 different but similar ads... but I would have an image of a sign in front of a skatepark or ramp that would read "No Skating, No Biking, No Boarding" then below that in smaller text it would say "Psych."

Skateboard Ads

So I was looking for Skateshop ads.. but there weren't really any to be found. However I found some ads for skateboard brands...

Completely Random.. BUT COOL Advertisements!

None of these advertisements are your "traditional" (page in a magazine) ad's... but I thought they were pretty cool ways of advertising a brand.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Mailer Update

So after some much needed revisions, I think I'm getting closer to my final product. I decided to take advantage of the strong angles on the folds of my pop up and make my image have more perspective. And although you can't really see it in the image, when you open the mailer the pop up comes up, then goes back a bit, making a bit of a shelf (for lack of better words) where the sidewalk is. It's actually really cool if you see it. Also, the skateboard (logo) pops out from the background as well. On the left hand side of the mailer is a business card, that once again just like my stationary, you can pop out and make better use of an entire piece of paper you may have thrown away (although if I got this mailer in the mail... it'd be in my collection for life).
Also, on the right side of the mailer I decided to use a chart-like manner of organizing my maintenance tips so it would be more appealing to the audience my mailer would be going to (very visual people). Either way... I'm still working, but hopefully this will give you an idea of my progress!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So I've been working on this pop up idea some.. and I think I have to basic design decided.. at least for now. My mailer features a pop up area on the top which automatically folds out when the mailer is opened (like a card), and the right hand side will have a business card which the recipient will be able to punch out (MORE PERFORATIONS!!)! Also, the area behind the skateboard has a huge glow on it in the photo, however that is only to differentiate the space. The real one will not need this because the skateboard and cityscape will be on two separate planes.