Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bringing an Idea to Life

Animation is a visual representation of storytelling.

"Novemberist Studios" emphasizes it's ability to take the clients story... and bring it to life (through animation). This is what makes the studio unique (selling point) -- more concerned with communicating a story, then necessarily using the latest techniques. More time is invested in getting an idea across to it's audience. Making a statement.
The history of storytelling includes storytelling as an oral tradition. Groups of people all interested in an idea... a story.

Storyteller -----> Animation

storyteller - oral tradition - middle ages - lone traveler - a journey - their life is about telling a story - devotion - tradition - historic - elegant (from a modern perspective) - different

Top 5 Buzz Words :: creative, storyteller, animated, unique, tradition

Design concept
-taking something historic and bringing it to life (oral tradition to visualization)
-possible solutions include use of light (radiant) or wings (idea of heightened motion), historic objects relevant to the time of oral storytelling (family crest/shield, scrolls, figure)
-visualization of storytelling -- the seeing of images in the mind's eye

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